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 Volunteer With WTC 

At Warehouse Theatre Company we depend on our many volunteers to make our programs a success. If you or your group are interested in any of our many volunteer opportunities please call Audience Services at 614-984-6974 for more information.


Volunteer opportunities at WTC include:



WTC Volunteer Ushers take tickets, pass out playbills and help patrons locate their seats, as well as help with concession sales and clean-up. As an usher you receive free admission to the performance and discounted tickets for extra members of your party.Ushering is also a great community service opportunity for groups. Volunteers learn what goes into running a theatre while honing their interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills. We help keep track of volunteer hours, fill out any necessary paperwork, and help volunteers get the most out of their experience.



The Marketing Committee works with the WTC Staff and meets monthly to identify ways in which to promote WTC productions and programs through creative marketing events, outreach to various target and niche audiences, and the identification of partnerships that further visibility and awareness of WTC.



The Events Committee works with the WTC staff and meets bi-monthly to support the long-term success of WTC’s fundraising plan. The focus of the Committee is to develop, organize and produce special events that help raise awareness of WTC's mission and assist in WTC achieving its fundraising goals.



The Board of Directors at WTC is the backbone of the organization.  Strategic direction, fundraising and financial oversight are all part of the frequent activities of the board. If you have a professional background and would like to support Warehouse Theatre Company by serving on our board please contact our Managing Director at 614-984-6974.

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