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 Get Involded With WTC 

​​Warehouse Theatre Company relies on community support for a variety of things.  Whether you choose to help out monetarily, with your time and effort, or with your talent and know how, the ways you can contribute to the WTC community are limitless.




WTC is committed to casting locally and will generally conduct an open call twice a year (fall and spring) for actors from the local area. Following the open call, individuals may be called in to read for specific productions during the course of the season.




​At WTC we depend on our many volunteers to make our programs a success.




WTC has opportunities for individuals to get involved working behind the scenes on our productions. Stage Crew members work in the control booth or backstage, acting as light board operators, sound board operators, props runners, assistant stage managers, dressers, and stage hands.




WTC is dedicated to the development and production of new plays and emerging playwrights. We are currently accepting synopsis submissions only. Please do not send full scripts.

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